
The platform

Rheticus is an automatic, cloud-based, geoinformation service platform

It’s carefully designed to deliver hot off the satellite data and information, always accurate, on our ever-changing world.

Rheticus® operates both on land and sea, offering a wide array of monitoring services: from Earth morphology, up to vegetation, infrastructures, coastlines, and seawater.

How it works

Rheticus® provides vital insights by means of graphic indicators, dynamic diagrams and pre-set reports, allowing customers to immediately conduct assessment operations within their area of interest.

Once you subscribe to Rheticus, you will get actionable information, always updated. In order to provide continuous updated and reliable information, we employ satellite imagery, mapping data, environmental information, all available online as open data. Service update rate is dependent upon new data acquisition, thus refresh rate may range from monthly to daily depending on our services specific features.

Rheticus is a cross-channel service, you will be able to access and get your information using a variety of devices: login on our Web Portal with tablets, smartphones, or good old computers. Information is displayed on a pre-set dashboard, that significantly simplifies any analysis you may conduct over your area of interest, providing you with a comprehensive overview. Report and alerts too.

Our services are also available in Machine-to-Machine mode (M2M) via standard sharing protocols, making the platform an information hub that delivers content to other online systems. Export capabilities of data and information are also available, allowing users to download standard formats which they may use in other external application environments.


Rheticus® is available for a growing number of applications and businesses, including:

  • Land use changes
  • Ground movements (landslides, subsidence)
  • Utilities – Water and wastewater networks stability
  • Critical infrastructure stability
  • New infrastructure and construction sites planning
  • Wildfires / burnt areas
  • Coastal waters quality
  • Aquaculture / shellfish farming
  • Wine production

Subscribed users will get reliable information carefully arranged by means of thematic maps, reports and geospatial indexes, also known as geoanalytics. All information is designed to fit specific monitoring needs, assisting users in their daily tasks as well as helping them in timely taking the best course of action.

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Technology partners

The Rheticus® platform and its services are owned and developed by Planetek Italia and Planetek Hellas. From cloud technologies to extremely intuitive interface and analytics, both the platform and the services can count on ground-breaking technologies by our technological and commercial partners.

Here’s who they are together with the added values they brought to Rheticus.

BlueFarmSpecific algorithms able to estimate mussels growth rate from EO data for our aquaculture service.
GAPPS are produced through the fully automatic MT-InSAR processing chain based on the SPINUA algorithm (“Stable Point Interferometry even in Un-urbanized Areas”).
Hexagon GeospatialSmart M.App technology is used to add dynamic view to geoanalytics information provided by Rheticus. The integration of Rheticus and Smart M. App made possible the development of several industry-focused applications for decision-makers and operational activities.
TerraNISAlgorithms that exploits multispectral satellite imagery to generate biophysical parameters such as the Green leaf cover fraction (GLCV) to provide the status on the vigor and the heterogeneity of the vine, and feeding our Rheticus Oenoview service.

Data Provider

Rheticus® services are directly fueled by Copernicus Sentinels’ imagery and other open data sources, providing timely information over the area of interest. Other commercial data can be exploited on demand. Service updates range between monthly to daily basis, depending on the service provided.

Copernicus ProgrammeSentinels imagery; CMEMS data
Italian Space Agency (ASI) – eGEOSCOSMO-SkyMed
PlanetRapidEye, PlanetScope, SkySat
DigitalGlobe / MAXARWorldView-4, WorldView-3, WorldView-2, WorldView-1, GeoEye-1, QuickBird, IKONOS
AirbusSpot, TerraSAR-X, Pléiades
Deimos ImagingDeimos-1, Deimos-2
  • Planetek Italia srl
  • Vat IT04555490723
  • Chimera | Web Agency